
Reading Cygnets was formed in April 1981, supported by Reading Borough Council, and is now in its 41st successive and successful year.

The Club Today

The Club is an affiliated member of Swim England and an accredited member of Special Olympics Great Britain.

Our present Chairman, Gordon Dart, is the grandson of our former Chairman and Founder Member, the late Ron Phillips, MBE.

A condition of membership is that swimmers attend for training on at least two Sundays a month.


Training currently takes place at Rivermead Leisure Centre, Richfield Avenue, Caversham, Reading, one hour a week on Sundays - 6:30 to 7:30 pm - the main Club night. Swimmers are allocated to one of the lanes in the pool according to ability, to enable them to gain the maximum benefit from the training. Each lane has its own qualified coach, all of whom are volunteers.

Membership of the Club is open to swimmers with a classified learning disability, from the age of seven years upwards, who are capable of swimming at least one length of the pool (25 metres) without the use of swimming aids. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity at the present time to teach beginners, but we hope to rectify this in due course. We are in a position to welcome new swimmers, and anyone interested in joining the Club is invited to come along to a Sunday session for an informal assessment by one of the Club's coaches.

© Copyright 2009-22, Reading Cygnets Swimming Club All rights reserved